
What is SENStation and Social Entrepreneurship Network?

SENStation is a dream about a better world. It can be associated with ZEN, which comes to creating inner and outer balance on our planet. When you would draw an average wealth line around the globe people above that line would give a helping hand to people below that line in a way that they do not lose their wealth position and would help others to reach new heights. It can only come with creating and scaling innovation and change in thinking in line with thought leaders: we start to think about others and not about ourselves.

Social Entrepreneurship calls for inclusion of values financial, social and environmental ones. Financial is related to mind, whereas social is more related to your feelings and willingness to help others.

Imagine a sailboat. With your mind you choose direction either positive or negative. In order to move a sailboat forward you need to have wind, which is your feelings. You have to be sure that a sailboat is moving a good direction when there is a strong wind. It is not easy and it requires a conscious mind especially when you look at the most critical real-life problems in our world. Thus social entrepreneurship movement is driven by passionate people with strong positive conscious minds that have courage to see opportunities in problems, be aware of their feelings and have willingness to create positive change.

Now imagine a big ship with thousands of inter-dependent passionate social entrepreneurs driven by motivation to help others and create positive change in our planet. This ship is called Social Entrepreneur-Ship and SENStation is one of many harbors for it.

Rafal Siepak on behalf of the SENStation Team

What Is Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise and Social Business?

The History of Social Business & Social Entrepreneurship

Leveraging Social Media for Social Enterprise or Social Business

Finding Funding for your Social Enterprise or Social Business

No rights reserved by SENStation (2010 - 2013)